Why You Should Consider Laser Hair Removal Over Waxing or Shaving

If hair removal is a part of your daily routine, you are likely familiar with the ever-growing list of ways to get rid of unwanted body and facial hair. Shaving, waxing, creams, plucking….the list is long. Each method works differently and produces varying results. But which method is the most beneficial? Below we compared some of the more popular methods- laser hair removal, waxing, and shaving – to see which offers the most significant benefit.

Laser Hair Removal vs. Waxing

Waxing is a relatively simple process. Hot wax is applied to a small area, and a fabric strip is applied over the wax. The final step of waxing, the actual hair removal, involves tearing the fabric and the attached wax off the skin in the direction of the hair growth. The goal of waxing is to remove the hair from the follicle leading to smooth skin. However, waxing does not destroy or damage the follicle, and hair inevitably grows back after a few weeks. Another downfall to waxing is that you must let your hair grow between sessions. Waxing requires at least ¼ inch of hair to adhere to, so you will have stubble in between treatments.


Laser Hair Removal vs. Shaving

Shaving with a razor is likely the least long-lasting method for hair removal. Shaving cuts the hair at the skin's surface, leaving behind the hair below the skin and the follicle. While inexpensive and painless, regrowth happens quickly because the follicle remains entirely intact. Also, the hair that grows back is blunt and therefore more coarse and harsh feeling to the touch.


The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a semi-permanent hair removal option that essentially destroys the hair follicle inhibiting hair growth and regrowth. The laser destroys the hair follicle by focusing on the pigment cells inside the follicle. The length of each session will depend on the size of the area treated and other factors unique to you. Most sessions take 60 minutes or less. A member of our team at Upkeep Med Spa will work with you to determine the ideal treatment schedule to achieve lasting hair removal.

Some people experience permanent hair removal after one treatment in certain areas. It is important to mention that you may not leave with smooth, silky skin after your treatment. In general, the hair in the treated area takes 2 to 3 weeks to fall out.

While waxing and shaving do produce immediate results, the effects of both are short-lived. Hair starts to grow back immediately after shaving and within a few weeks of waxing. Laser hair removal is different. In addition to its lasting effects, there are several more benefits to laser hair removal over shaving and waxing.

·      Permanent hair removal.

·      No damage to the dermis (the top layer of skin) as can occur with waxing.

·      Suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

·      Cheaper than other hair removal methods in the long run.

Imagine never having to shave again! Although laser hair removal does require multiple follow-up treatments, many people achieve permanent hair removal after a few sessions. Contact us at Upkeep Med Spa today to schedule a consultation or learn more about laser hair removal and the other services provided at our locations.