Post-Care Instructions for Fillers and Botox

Image from Shutterstock.

Botox treatments and fillers are among the most frequently discussed injectables on the market today. We hear a lot about people we are familiar with either through television, social media, or in our personal social circles getting Botox treatments or dermal fillers to achieve particular appearance goals. It is not uncommon for these terms to be used interchangeably, but it is important to remember there are differences between them. While both procedures aim to address the same cosmetic challenges, they differ in how they achieve this goal and how you should care for your skin after getting Botox or fillers.


Understanding how to care for your skin after a cosmetic treatment requires understanding the treatment itself. It is important to speak to a professional at a reputable spa like Upkeep Med Spa about your goals to decide which procedure is best for you and to ensure your chosen procedure is safe and effective. Both Botox and dermal fillers are considered non-invasive procedures. This means they are not surgical procedures requiring significant recovery or downtime afterward. Beyond that, however, there are notable differences.


What is Botox?

Botox injections contain a purified form of the botulinum toxin. When injected into specific areas of the body, the bacteria freeze the muscles at the injection site. This freezing process reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by years of repetitive facial expressions such as raising your eyebrows, squinting, and smiling. Botox injections work on a specific type of wrinkle called "dynamic wrinkles." These wrinkles are caused by muscles movement. Examples include crow's feet around the eyes, "smile" lines, and the horizontal lines that run across your forehead.


Botox injections work by blocking the transmission of nerve signals from (or to) the brain and the injection site. The affected muscle or muscle group is temporarily paralyzed when these signals are interrupted. The appearance of wrinkles is softened, reduced, or even resolved by this temporary muscle paralysis. It is important to remember that Botox injections only work on dynamic wrinkles or “expression lines.” If you have wrinkles on your face from sun exposure or the natural aging process, Botox is not the best treatment option.


What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are sometimes referred to as soft tissue fillers. They are substances designed to be injected into the layers beneath the skin's surface. When you receive fillers from a trained professional at Upkeep Med Spa, you can expect to notice increased volume and fullness in the treated area. Dermal fillers are a combination of several substances, including:


·      Polylactic acid- a substance that stimulates the skin encouraging collagen production

·      Hyaluronic acid- a naturally occurring chemical found in body fluids and tissues.

·      Calcium hydroxyapatite -a mineral-like compound naturally occurring in the bones.

·      Polyalkylimide is a synthetic (manufactured) transparent gel compatible with the body.


Each ingredient is designed to address signs of aging or other cosmetic worries as part of the overall filler procedure. It is also important to note that some elements work faster than others, and some have a longer duration once injected. On average, dermal fillers will last between six months and two years, depending on the type of filler. Dermal fillers can address many cosmetic concerns, including adding volume to thinning lips, filling and softening static wrinkles (especially those on the lower face, around the mouth, and along the cheeks), filling shallow areas of the face, and softening the look of scars. Static wrinkles result from natural aging, skin damage, and other issues unrelated to voluntary muscle movement.


How to Care for Your Skin After Botox or Fillers

Botox injections and dermal fillers are both considered safe, highly effective procedures when performed by a trained, skilled professional. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 7.4 million Botox injections and 2.6 million dermal filler procedures were performed in 2018. Although these procedures are highly effective in addressing specific skincare needs, it is essential to properly care for your skin after getting Botox or fillers. Post-procedure care is crucial for recovery and ensuring your results last as long as possible.


Botox injections do not require any recovery time. As a result, you can return to most of your day-to-day routine immediately after your appointment. However, there are a few things you should wait a day or two to resume. If daily exercise is part of your schedule, you should wait at least 24 hours before resuming regular workouts. This is because exercise increases blood flow and contracts your muscles, both of which may reduce the effectiveness of your injections. It is best to talk to your provider as they may suggest waiting longer depending on your specific circumstances. Even though you should pause regular exercise, it is ok (and recommended) to do facial exercises such as smiling, raising your eyebrows, and frowning, as these can help speed the visibility of results.


It is also important to forego makeup for at least 24 hours to avoid rubbing on the areas where injections were performed. Your provider will also suggest sitting up for at least 4 hours after your procedure to prevent bruising. It is also a good idea to limit alcohol, avoid sun exposure for 24-48 hours and skip other skin treatments for the first 24 hours to avoid reducing the effectiveness of your injections.


Post-treatment care for dermal fillers is much the same, although mild swelling, bruising, and redness are more common with fillers. Also, it would be best if you waited at least one month after fillers before receiving other skincare treatments.


Botox injections and dermal fillers are excellent ways to address particular skincare concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring. However, each treatment addresses different cosmetic needs, so it is important to learn about each procedure before scheduling an appointment. A member of our team at Upkeep Med Spa will work with you to assess your skincare needs and help determine if Botox injections or dermal fillers are best suited to your needs. To learn more about Botox, fillers, or our wide range of skincare services, contact us at Upkeep Med Spa today.

Left side of the photo before Botox and the right side shows after it has settle. Injected by Alexis Kiil (@lovelybylexi)