Managing Seasonal Skin Change

Like the weather, grass, or flowers, our skin changes with the seasons. Changing temperatures, increased (or decreased humidity), and other changes in our inside and outside environments significantly impact our skin health.

 Why Does the Weather Affect Our Skin?

Each season is unique. Fall, winter, spring, and summer have their own weather patterns, average temperatures, and humidity changes. Each of these season-specific characteristics impacts overall skin health. During the winter (for many), the outside air is cooler – sometimes dramatically so- and the air inside is dry. During the winter months, our skin gets dry and painful.


With the arrival of spring comes other changes. The temperatures rise, the sun feels hotter, humidity increases, and other skin-related aggravations occur. Many people notice the arrival of spring and summer also signals the arrival of oily skin, skin irritation, and increased breakouts.  


Tips for Managing Seasonal Skin Change

Spending more time outdoors, especially if you have been cooped up all winter, is one of the best parts of spring. Below are a few ways you can take care of your skin to keep it glowing and healthy throughout all seasons.


Protect Your Skin

Getting outside also comes with greater skin risk, especially exposure to UV (ultraviolet) rays. With the arrival of spring and eventually summer, the sun's rays get hotter, and the risk for burns and sun-related skin damage increases. While it is important to apply sunscreen all the time, it is especially important when heading outside in the spring.


Keep Your Pores Clean

The arrival of spring often means people want to be outside and get active. Regardless of the type of activity you choose, activity outdoors during the warmer months often leads to sweating and increased breakouts. Keeping your pores clean by washing your face at least twice each day, especially after exercise, will help keep dirt and debris out of your pores and reduce the frequency of breakouts.



During the winter, dead, dry skin cells often build up both on the skin's surface and deep within your pores. This leaves your skin looking dull and dry. By exfoliating once or twice each week, you can eliminate the dead skin leaving behind the clear, fresh, and bright skin underneath. This may also be an excellent time to contact us at Upkeep Med Spa to learn more about our range of skincare treatments, including facials, chemical peels, and other exfoliating treatments.


Change Your Makeup

Many people do not realize their makeup can be a source of dirt and bacteria which can contribute to breakouts. If your makeup products are old, outdated, or exposed to other dirt (such as bare hands and fingers), consider swapping them out every few months. If your products have expired, it is important to toss them and replace them with new ones. Also, during the warmer months, you should consider switching out heavier, full coverage foundations and creams for lightweight products that allow your skin to breathe.


Giving your skin the care it deserves can help you achieve a warm, glowing complexion this spring. While the above skincare practices can go a long way in reducing the dull, dry complexion brought about by cold winter weather, our team at Upkeep Med Spa is here to help you achieve the skin clear, healthy complexion you seek. Contact us today to learn more about our skincare treatments or to schedule a consultation appointment with a member of our team.